
Install .apk File on Android Phone

.apk (application package files) are a compressed single-file package of an Android app. The APK must be executed once (by tapping on the file) for the application to be installed and able to run on the Android device.

In order to install .apk downloaded from other sources (not google play), you have to authorize unknown sources on your phone. How to authorize unknown sources? Here you are:
For Android 2.x, go to Settings>Applications>tick “Unknown sources”
For Android 4.x, go to Settings>Security>tick “Unknown sources”
After you done the above step, head to PremiumApk and download your desired apps or games. Copy the .apk you have downloaded from your computer to your mobile phone through USB, bluetooth, wifi and etc.

Locate your downloaded .apk and tap it to install them. Once the installation progress is done, your apps or games icon will appear on your phone.

In order to install .apk with obb files attached, you have to follow the above steps to install .apk. After that, copy the folder contains .obb file (usually the file name is “com.xxxxxx.xxxxxxx“), in case the folder is zipped/compressed, use winrar or winzip to unrar or unzip it.

Head to “Phone Storage>Android>obb” or “storage>sdcard0>Android>obb” or “sdcard>Android>obb” and paste your folder (Usually the folder will be named “com.xxxxxx.xxxxxxx“) inside. Run your apps or games after you paste the .obb files


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